Manual manipulation is one of the effective ways to correct the body’s alignment, improve body function, and reduce pain. It is a natural and medicine-free process performed by trained and certified physiotherapists, where healing and restoring the spine function and nervous system is directed.
In manual manipulation, the alignment of displaced spinal bones or vertebrae is repaired in a similar fashion for treating dislocated joints. The prime focus of this treatment is to reduce pain and increase mobility.
Before opting for manual manipulation treatment, ensure you avail services from Best Physiotherapist. You can reach out to physiotherapy clinics in Gandhinagar for manual manipulation.
Types of Manual Manipulation and their Implications
Spinal Manipulation
The spinal mobilization or spinal manipulation is done to treat acute lower back pain. It is a manual therapy that utilizes mild thrusting motions and stretching to relieve stress. Practitioners use Spinal Manipulation to relieve joint pressure, control inflammation, and mend nerve pressure.
Gonstead Adjustment Treatment
This is another common adjustment technique for healing back pain. It is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to diagnose spine-related problem areas and fix the issues such as pain and inflammation in a very short span. In this treatment, the spine is realigned cautiously for accurate as well as pain-free adjustments.
Gonstead adjustment treatment can be also practiced to optimize health, treat long-term back pain, and fix back issues that are disturbing the nervous system.
Diversified Technique
Physiotherapists use this adjustment technique, for restoring proper spine movement, circulation, and alignment. In this treatment, the practitioner applies rapid pressure on different parts of the spine with their hands. This process produces a cracking sound.
Diversified Manual Manipulation provides instant relief to patients complaining of neck and back pain, stroke, and headaches caused by lumbar disk herniation.
Thompson Spine Treatment
Drop technique or Thompson spine treatment is a full-spine adjustment technique. The therapist carry out this treatment on special tables having drop mechanisms to provide easy adjustments of low amplitude, high velocity, and low force. After or during the procedure, the patient may feel a warm sensation which is nothing to worry about.
This technique has minimal forceful adjustments resulting in comfortable and stability for patients. The main goal of Thompson spine treatment is restoring normal nerve function, pain relief, minimizing stress, balancing the sleep cycle, and enhancing body function.
Articulatory Technique
The Articulatory technique is a widely popular and reliable manual manipulation method targeted at improving motions in joints and decreasing pain. To treat pain with the articulatory technique, the therapist will apply moderate force and low velocity while engaging with a restrictive barrier repeatedly.
Extremity Manipulation
This manual manipulation technique requires physical manipulation of the joints outside the spine. Extremity manipulation treats elbows, shoulders, wrists, hips, ankles, and knee joints. This technique is very useful to patients having posture-related concerns.
At first, extremity manipulation may cause discomfort varying from person to person, but it gets better as time pass. This technique promotes mobility and reduces indirect stress on the spine.
Different manual manipulations have different applications. The treatment and number of visits to the physiotherapist in Gandhinagar can vary from patient to patient. However, each of these techniques has one thing in common i.e. improving the quality of life by treating the pain and discomfort of the patients.
If you are looking forward to get the treatment, then visit the Health Focus physiotherapy clinic today.